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初中英语教学设计模板教案设计food and drink



本单元主要让学生练习“吃”和“喝”的话题。结合时间的表达和“饿了”“渴了”的表达引出“想吃什么”,“想喝什么”的话题,练习常用的表达。并介绍两种单词,food words and drink words,所涉及的语法现象为不可数名词量的表达。食品有:bread, rice等,饮料有:tea, milk, water, juice等,引出 a cup of, a bag of, a glass of, a bottle of, a piece of,学生基础较好的班可给出a bowl of, a box of等。与此同时运用所学过的 how many句型,进一步学会不可数名词量的提问和应答。


74课学习功能句 “想要??吗?”“??怎么样?”的表达。为74课的第二部分 “购买食品”做好铺垫。



准确、熟练的运用最基本的/i:/, /e/ 和 /i/三个单元音。




food, drink, hungry, thirsty, water, eat, rice, bread, meat, tea, milk, glass, a glass of,

would like, i’d like=i would like sth, porridge, fish, dumpling, fruitpiece, a piece of


hamburger, needle, potato, chips, coke, coffee, madam, dear, ice, cream, ice cream, usa, different, vegetable, sometimes






(2)how many + 可数名词复数+ can you see?及回答。

how man +可数名词复数 + are there?及回答。




1.(来源说明好范 文网:WWW.)记住并能灵活运用可数名词和不可数名词。如:some cakes, some bread, some rice等。

2.树立不可数名词的概念,如:一般的液体不可数。并学会量(单复数)的表达,如:a bottle of juice, a cup of tea, a glass of milk 等。

3.学习关于询问“多少”的提问和应答(主要是带有量词的不可数名词)。并注意 some, many, any, a, and an 的用法。

4. 注意要设计情景,多练习使用以下句型: would you like ?? what would you like?? i’d like?


本单元的口语训练包括三个项目:(l)人物与想要的东西;(2)在实际情景中(如商店,餐馆,家里)谈论饮食;(3)how many句型的口语练习。




表示该干什么了: it’s time for (supper).

表示“渴了”“饿了”: i’m thirsty. i’m hungry.

表示多少: how many bottles of water can you see in the picture?i can see three.

表示早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么: what do you have for breakfast/ lunch/ supper?

what would you like for supper?

what does your friend have for breakfast?

what would your friend like for supper?

表示想要什么:what would you like? i’d like a bottle of apple juice.would you like something to drink? oh, yes.

表示怎么样: what about something to drink / eat?

表示提供帮助和建议:can i help you, madam? yes, i want some rice.do you have any ice cream?



另外,76课练习8,写回信也是很好的写作训练。可将学生分成四人的小组。让学生们在小组内部仔细阅读robert的来信,分析它所提出的问题都包含几方面。回信该如何回答?还可写些什么?四人可适当分工:两人收集课文中的句子,两人起草回信。然后认真阅读课文,从本单元中找出回信可用的句子并整理出来,备用。小组集体完成一份回信,作为作业 交给老师。最后,教师可设一定的奖励。


dear robert,

i’m glad to receive your letter and i know you want to come to china. you talk about chinese food in your letter. do you know chinese food tastes the most delicious in the world? we cook something in many different ways. we can stir-fry, fry, steam, boil, smoke and so on.

we have eggs and milk for breakfast, have rice with vegetables, meat and fish for lunch, noodles and dumplings for supper. chinese food not only tastes

good but also has good nutrition. sometimes we go to mcdonald and kentucky fried chicken. but i don’t like them very much.

for drink, we often drink vegetable and fruit juice, mineral water, and all kinds of milk. coke and sprite are children’s favourite drink. but i like chinese tea best.

we have a lot of traditional food and home cooking dishes here, for example: beijing roasted duck, instant boiled mutton, sweet and sour fish, home-style bean-curd and so on. now we like home cooked food better than take-away food. beijingers like bean curd, very much, too. if you come to china, i’ll show you around the city and you can taste these foods one by one if you aren’t afraid to get fat.

best wishes


zhang fan


初中教师专用教案 2014-2014 学年度第二学期 课题:(1)整式加减(2)去括号 授课教师: 课时: 知识与技能目标 1、掌握去括号的法则 2、能正确且较为熟练地运用去括号的符号法则去化简代数式 过程与方法目标 学习目标 1、 通过观察、 合作交流、 讨论总结等活动得出去括号的符号法则, 培养学生观察、分析、总结的能力。 2、通过例题讲解,和巩固练习,培养学生的计算能力 班级:初一四班

1、 1、让学生感受知识的产生、发展及形成过程,培养其用于探 索的精神。 情感态度价值观目标 2、 2、 重点确定 难点确定 教学工具 教 学 过 程 教学方法

随堂练习: 体会与交流 1、数学知识: 2、数学思想方法: 布置作业: 板 书 设 计



unit 8 book 1 experiencing english

i. teaching objectives

1. skills:

1) reading: reading between the lines

2) writing: how to use punctuations in a sentence

3) listening: understanding the passages about love and friendship, listening for the main idea and the important details, learning to take notes while listening

4) speaking: talking about love and friendship

2. vocabulary development:

1) words: acquaintance, barely, encounter, incline, intimate, occasional, principle, recall, recognize, replace, summarize, upset, bow, depart, enclose, endure, identical, intense, occupy, provoke, standing, trim,

2) expressions: compare… to, drift apart, ever after, even if/ though, join hands (with), no matter what/ how, etc., succeed in, try on, go by, in case, pass away, work out

3. grammar and structure:

1) adverbial clause

2) attributive clause

3) modal auxiliaries in subjunctive mood

ii. important points:

leave nothing to chance, compare to, even if/ though, no matter how/ what, go by, work out, recognize as/ by, compare with/ to

iii. difficult points:

1.distinguishing replace, substitute, take the place of; confront, encounter, meet; bear, endure, put up with, stand, suffer, tolerate; acknowledge, admit, confess, recognize

2. speaking: talking about love and friendship

3. listening: understanding the passages, listening for the main idea and the important details, learning to take notes while listening

iv. teaching arrangements:

1. total class time for this unit: 8 periods

2. suggested arrangement:

1) talking:(duty report, group discussion, free talk etc.) 40'

2) pre-reading activities: 15-20'

3) understanding the structure of text a: 15-20'

4) detailed study of the language:100'

5) writing skills: 15'

6) text summary 10’

7) exercises: 55'

8) reading skills: 15-25'

9) detailed study of of text b: 60-70'

10) comprehensive exercises: 20'

iv. lecture scripts:(by the teachers)2









a 4




教材名称:pep 小学英语 四年级(上)

unit 6 at a pe lesson




unit 6at a pe lesson (comic sans ms,加粗三号)


1、 能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词time, left, right, touch, an arm, a hand, a leg, a foot. (宋体,小四)


本单元通过一堂体育课引出“按指令做动作”这一语言项目(中文:宋体,小四;英文:comic sans ms,小四)

unit 6 (第一课时)(comic sans ms,三号)

一、教学内容(黑体,加粗四号)aread and say


1.会听、说、读日常交际用语: stand in a line. let’s do some exercise.

(中文:宋体,小四;英文:comic sans ms,小四)


1.会听、说、读、写单词:time, left, right, stop, touch.

(中文:宋体,小四;英文:comic sans ms,小四)


1.单词time, back, right, with意思和句子touch ? with ?的意义。



(中文:宋体,小四;英文:comic sans ms,小四)


step 1.free talk (comic sans ms,加粗四号)timing: 15 min

1. t: good morning, boys and girls.

(comic sans ms,小四)


1. read the text three times after the tape.

(comic sans ms,小四)


unit 6at a pe lesson(a)

(comic sans ms,小四)



1. 问候语

2. 说教学内容

3. 说教材

4. 说教学目的

5. 说教学重点、难点

6. 说教学准备

7. 说教法、学法

8. 说教学流程

9. 教学总结


unit3---a master of nonverbal humour

the second periodreading

teaching aims: 1.enable students to learn what humor means and what isnonverbal humor.

2.to introduce the life and work of charlie chaplin.

3.to introduce the kind of humour we can all laugh at

---nonverbal humour

4.to train the students’ reading and understanding ability

difficult points: find out the main ideas of every paragraph.

teaching aids: a recorder and a projector,multimedia

teaching procedure:

step 1. greetings and revision

check homework: ask students to review what we learned in last


step 2. pre-reading (通过展示几幅幽默图片,使课堂气氛活跃了起


---charlie chaplin)

questions: 1.what do you know about charlie chaplin?

2.what do you know about his films?

step 3 reading

task 1 :find out the main information about charlie chaplin



3)famous character:_________________________________


5)type of acting:_____________________________________

6) died:_____________________________________________

task 2: listen to the tape of the passage and match the main idea

with each part.

para11. charlie’s childhood

para22. his famous character (角色)

para33. the charlie chaplin’s laughter (笑声)para44. his achievements

para55. an example of his work

task 3: answer the following questions:

1. what’s the passage mainly about?

a. the history of english humour?

b. the films chaplin made.

c. the humour chaplin made in his films.

d. the gold rush in alaska.

2. when and where is the film the gold rush set in?

a. it is set in california at the end of the nineteenth century.

b. it is set in canada at the end of the nineteenth century

c. it is set in alaska in the middle of the nineteenth century

d. it is set in canada in the middle of the nineteenth century

3. charlie chaplin made people laugh when they felt depressed, sothey could feel____________

a. less content with their lives

b. more satisfied with their lives

c. more worried about their lives

d. they had a miserable life

task 4: give a description on little tramp.

the little tramp, a poor, homeless man with a moustache, wore a

small round black hat, large trousers and worn-out shoes carrying a walking stick.

task 5: introduce the main films of charlie chaplin.

the gold rush ,modern times,the great dictator...

--> enjoy the part of the film ---the gold rush

(利用多媒体播放卓别林的经典影片the gold rush中的片段,让学生体会以下大师的惟妙惟肖的表演,从而激发学生的好奇心,使其迫不及待地去读课文,更深入地了解“无声的幽默的大师—卓别林”.) task 6: after seeing the film, find the correct order of the followingevents.

chaplin tried cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe.

chaplin and his friend washed sand and expected to pick up gold,but they failed.

they were so hungry that they boiled a pair of leather shoes.

they were caught in a small wooden house.

chaplin cut off the leather top of the shoe.

chaplin picked out the laces of the shoe.

step 4: post-reading

answer the questions: 1.besides joy, what else can humor bring to usin our studies and life?

( relaxation, confidence, hope, joy, health, friendship, love...)

2. the reasons for his success:

( determination, devotion, optimistic attitude to life, kindness

sympathy to the poor... )

3. give students a humorous story if time permitting.

step 5: conclusion

today we have learned something about humor, it is everywhere in our daily life. i hope you can be optimistic(乐观的) no matter what difficulties you meet with, just as charlie chaplin was.

step 6: homework

1.write a humorous story in english and find out the grammar itemsin this passage.

2.pre-view the important words and expressions in the text.







