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时间:2024-10-13 16:25:46

第一篇:英语范文 慰问信

a letter of condolence

地震慰问信 1

中国四川汶川大地震灾害 严重, 已造成500多万人无家可归。请你 代表 我校

写一封 慰问信 向 灾区人民 表示 关怀和慰问。

1. 简要描述灾区的情况

2. 对灾区人民 表示 关怀 和 慰问

3. 表达 灾后重建家园 的信心

dear victims,

the earthquake which happened two weeks ago in sichuan province is an

enormous disaster for our whole nation. it has caused both financial

and life loss. until now, fifty thousand people lost their lives due

to the earthquake and much more injured seriously. five million people

have no homes to return as the majority of the buildings were


we are sorry about this accident. it’s a pity that many children lost

their parents and many couples lost their lovers. i could not help but

cry when hearing of the moving stories that happened during the


our whole nation is a big family, every member would like to give a

helping hand to the people who suffered from the earthquake. we must

show our warm-heartedness and make donations to the stricken area so

that their broken heart can be warmed.

a series of actions has been taken since the earthquake happened. i

believe the stricken area will soon be restored with the soldiers and

other warm-hearted people’s help. the future will be bright, cheer


yours sincerely

zzia (wj)




dear victims,

a week ago, i was shocked at the news about the earthquake in

wenchuan. and i’m very sorry to hear that this earthquake was the

greatest disaster after 1949. and there are 40075 people who are found

dead in the disaster till now and there have been more than 500

million people who are homeless. the floor was ripped through, many

blocks and houses were seriously damaged, and even were as flat as a


i’m deeply moved by the volunteers and the international rescue teams

who are in the frontline. i, standing for my school, comfort your

victims and survivors with our warm heart. moreover, we contribute a

large amount of money to you. and our school will try our best to help


last but not the least, i hope we all have the confidence to rebuild

your home after the disaster. only we have the perseverance can we

defeat the natural disaster.

good luck and best wishes to you!

yours sincerely

zzia (jy)




dear victims,

on the 12 of may in 2014, an incredible and unknown earthquake

suddenly happened in wenchuan, sichuan province. almost half of china

was affected. it was a huge calamity to chinese people.

until now, there are nearly 50 thousand people who died in this

earthquake and more people injured. many people lost their relatives

and fell into the deep sorrow. and they also lost their homes and

hometowns. a large number of buildings were damaged. what’s more,

many children and students lost their lives because of the collapse of

schools. and their parents who suffer from this big calamity can’t

accept the fact until now.

all of the chinese people begin to act and do everything they can when

they hear the news. almost every one of us contributes a great number

of money and goods which people in sichuan need. as students, we don’

t have enough money to donate, but we should do all that we could do.

what’s more important, we consider that we can help sichuan people

rebuilt and their home and live happily.

yours sincerely

zzia (yl)

注明:(thanks for my three students' contribution of their



a letter of condolence慰问信

中国青海玉树大地震灾害严重,已造成***多万人无家可归。请你代表 我校写一封慰问信向灾区人民 表示关怀和慰问。

1. 简要描述灾区的情况

2. 对灾区人民表示关怀和慰问

3. 表达灾后重建家园的信心

a letter of giving advice on how to be earthquake safe


when i heard the news of your unemployment, feel very sad….i think you are a very able person….but life will always be filled with challenges, a failure does not mean….on the contrary, the road to success is hard work and lack of courage to challenge self mentality….. we all have failed down,…dear, believe me, that is our life is a precious wealth, only in adversity if a talent will enjoy the success of the good….

in the following days, you can take a good rest, with a full state of mind to meet new

challenges, to other company to apply for a moment,…if there is any can help to you, be sure to tell me.. you must can do it, i wish you good luck..








非正式:(一般不考)——it depends

呼语: 特定的写信对象:dear xx

不明确收信人:dear sir/madam, or to whom it may concern









yours sincerely,

li ming


dear li gang,

i was really shocked and saddened to hear of your unhappy experience in the earthquake.

there is little that anyone can say or do at a time like this to ease your grief, but i would express my deepest sympathy.

in the next day or so you will receive a little package from me. i hope you like it, and that it will be useful at your present moment. what’s more, please don’t hesitate to contact me if there is anything else i can do now and always.

i do hope you will soon get well again and be able to come back to school. be assured of my availability and eagerness to help in any way i can.

yours sincerely,

li ming


dear xx,

i was really shocked and saddened to hear of….

express my deepest sympathy.

li ming

dear xx,

i was really sorry to hear of….i wish there were something i could say or do to….

in the next day or so you will receive a little package from me. i hope you like it, and that it will be useful at your present moment. what’s more, please don’t hesitate to contact me if there is anything else i can do now and always.

i do hope you will soon get well again. be assured of my availability and eagerness to help in any way i can.

yours sincerely,

li ming


慰问信是比较常用的一种特殊书信,信的主要内容是安慰和问候。在春节即将(在好范 文 网搜索更多的文章:wwW.)来临之际,各单位都要给离退休的老领导老同志写上一封问候祝福的信,“八一”建军节要写给军烈属致一封慰问和感谢的信。同学们生病了寄去一封关心问候并祝愿早日康复的信。这些都属于慰问信。我们祖国幅员辽阔,每年都有部分地区和人民受到不同程度的自然灾害。为了表示安慰和支持,除了捐赠一部分衣物外,还可以写上一封表示支持和慰问的信件,使灾区人民感受温暖和鼓舞。“教师节”可以给老师写一封慰问信,“三八”节给自己的妈妈写一封慰问信。使我们的老师和妈妈得到欣慰。这也是一种关心他人、关心集体的社会公德,一种助人为乐的美德。怎样写慰问信呢?慰问信既然是一种特殊的信件,就有不同于书信的特殊之处。 首先要看写慰问信的对象、要明确目的。写前要看资料、要了解对方的情况,对象目的不同的也不一样。同样给灾区写信,一种是写给灾区的人民和干部则应该对他们的损失和牺牲表示同情、支持、安慰和鼓励。一种是写给灾区抢险救灾的解放军指战员的就不是安慰了,而是对他们那种急人之急的精神和奋不顾身地抢救灾区群众生命和财产的行为的颂扬,同时应表示向他们学习。其次慰问信的语气很重要,应比一般书信更亲切更诚挚,字字含情谊,句句鼓信心。最后要力求短小、简练。 范例: 祝福您,妈妈――给妈妈的慰问信亲爱的妈妈:您好!您脱产到成都进修已经半年了,我非常想念您,在“三八”国际妇女节来临之际,我衷心地祝福您身体健康、工作顺心!每当看到您眼角边那早早爬上来的细细的皱纹,我的内心深处就不由自主地涌上一股依恋之情,我多想说声:“妈妈,您辛苦了。”不过在我眼里您那头乌黑的秀发,依然还是那么光彩照人,您那双秀美的眼睛,总是那么和蔼慈祥。也许您的外貌不再那么年轻,可是您的心却永远那么美丽、和善。妈妈,我渐渐大了,回忆灿烂如花的童年往事,我感到充满了温馨。妈妈,您还记得我上学前班时中暑的那件事吧?那是一个骄阳似火的下午,几位同学约我到学校后面的“细滩”去“盖房子”。天热得像开了锅的水,叫人恨不得钻进冰箱。但是我们太贪玩了。顶着太阳,把那“房子”盖了一幢又一幢。正玩得起劲,突然我感到一阵头昏,虚汗直冒,同学们见我不对劲,赶紧把我送回家。我醒来时已经躺在医院的病床上,您和爸爸正守在我的身边,顿时一股暖流流遍全身。那次我病得可不轻,一住院就是一个多星期。在这一个多星期里您日日夜夜地守护在我的身边,有时我精神好一点您就给我补课。一个多星期下来,我的病完全好了,功课也一点没拉下,而您消瘦了不少。唉,妈妈,这么多年来,您为了我的健康成长不知操了多少心,费了多少力啊!妈妈,我知道您对工作也很尽职、尽责。每天下班回来,不管多么的疲劳,您也要坚持做完剩下的工作。我知道这是您的优点,但我觉得您有时实在是太累了,这让我感到有些耽心。我真希望您能好好地休息一下,不要操劳过度了。妈妈您也不必为我分心太多,我已经懂事了,在学习上和生活中我一定会争气,一定不再给您增添太多的麻烦,我要用自己的实际行动来支持您的工作,报答您对我的养育之恩!祝您节日愉快! 您的女儿 1994年3月8日

